Entuziazem dijakov, učiteljev in vodstva Srednje trgovske šole Ljubljana ter njihov odnos na splošno sta ekipo NATTURA® tako navdušila in navdihnila, da smo se odločili za donacijo dveh hišnih naprav NATTURA®.
NATTURA® se je predstavila na 52. sejmu Narava - zdravje. Ob koncu sejma je Lea odgovorila na nekaj vprašanj o sejemskih vtisih, tehnologiji Nattura® in še o čem ...
NATTURA® technology is the result of decades of dedicated research into water and its properties, and is based on water's ability to receive, store and transmit information. On this basis, we have developed four products that make soft and living water accessible to everyone and in all fields of application. It can also be a useful, beneficial and beautiful gift. The NATTURA® team
NATTURA®is a water restructuring technology that significantly improves water quality. It is the result of our own development. Water is a fundamental and increasingly precious commodity for everyone. NATTURA® is an affordable technology that makes water soft, alive and life-friendly. But of course, NATTURA® is not just a technology ...
Interview with Franc Kočar in the newspaper Slovenske novice
Although he's expert in acupressure, his main interest is water. He produces informed glasses, jugs and plumbing devices for the home and farms that reduce the genotoxicity of water and improve its quality. "I avoid involving my bioenergy, I am interested in efficient and provable technological processes," says Franc Kočar about his work and research.