Privacy policy

The website operator is committed to the correct and secure use of personal data in accordance with the GDPR. Personal data provided by the user via the forms on the website or otherwise (by phone, e-mail, etc.) is strictly confidential and is treated as confidential information and is therefore not disclosed to unauthorised third parties without a legal basis.
Consent to the processing and protection of personal data
The user of the website expressly consents to the collection and processing of the following personal data of the user for the purpose of using the website and providing electronic services, as well as the related system administration and user notification: personal name and address of the user, e-mail address and telephone number. Only the data necessary for the proper performance of our services and the possible delivery of products are collected. For security purposes, the IP addresses of users accessing and using the website are also collected. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the data entered by the user when placing an order. The provisions of the General Terms and Conditions apply.
Storage of personal data
The data collected by the website administrator is kept for the duration of the use of the electronic services on the website. The user may request access to his/her personal data or information about the processing of his/her personal data by authorised persons by written request addressed to the e-mail address The User may also access his/her data and data on orders (distance purchase contracts) by written request to
Remote communication
The website operator will only contact the user by means of distance communication (electronic newsletters, promotions, discounts, etc.) if the user does not expressly object to this. In this context, commercial electronic messages will be clearly identifiable, the sender will be clearly visible, the conditions for accepting special offers will be clearly marked and the method of opting out of receiving advertising messages will be clearly presented.
Exceptional disclosure of personal data
The data collected and processed by the administrator of the website will only be disclosed if provided for by applicable law or if such action is necessary for proceedings before the courts or other public authorities.
Portorož, 1 August 2021