The NATTURA® team and representatives of the Ljubljana Secondary Trade School met at the Nature - Health fair, where they presented what they do in their free time at the school. They are really full of ideas that encourage creativity, cooperation and care for each other. They are successfully implementing these ideas with the full support of the school management. One of them is the production of their own food and honey. They have their own garden (also on the roof of the school) and apiary, and all the fresh food and honey they produce is used for food for the pupils at the school.
Caring for people, innovativeness and hard work are some of the values we share. Their enthusiasm and attitude in general have so impressed and inspired the NATTURA® team that we decided to donate two NATTURA® home appliances. Alongside the time and care they selflessly give to their projects, having water that is both alive and soft, and more biologically suitable, will ensure that their efforts will be even more richly rewarded with more abundant and even healthier crops. And of course we will stay in touch and support them with technological guidance.
We wish the young food growers an abundant harvest, and we sincerely congratulate the teachers and the school management for their efforts and support of the students.